Elegy for an Angel's Wing
Alan McKee
Digital Artist
Digital Painter
Light Paintings
Double click "Portfolio" to access image links.
There are many images on this site. Some may take up to twenty seconds to come into clear focus.
All images and videos on this site are the sole property of Alan McKee and may not be copied in any form without written permission. ©Copyright 2023

To purchase any item on this page contact: alanjmckee@gmail.com.
Limited Edition (15)
Alan McKee Silk Scarf
Beyond the Looking Glass 22 in X 22 in
$125 each

Limited Edition (15 of each image) Light Jet Prints
*All my prints are done on the Cymbolic Sciences Lightjet, a digital enlarger that prints true continuous tone images like a dark room photograph. Prints shipped in tubes. Flat shipping requires additional charges that would be based on your address.

Blue Leaves approx 20x20 inches $175 each

Spring and Fall approx 20x20 inches
$175 each

Nature Out of Balance approx 20x20
$175 each